Calculating the what ifs are necessary but it just may be possible if the universe is in favor of the two of you.
Dating is easy when there are no strings attached. Try attaching a business to that string and find dating to still be easy. You can pack your clothes and furniture and move out but dividing the business and profits may be a bit of a struggle.
“My superpower is the ability to change. Not the world just me and may the world adjust." -Ife Folami Mensah
The only way to find out if starting a business with someone you're dating will be successful is to let go of the fear and give it a try. Many successful businesses exist if you can separate the business from the relationship.
The Business Plan
Having a strong bond of communication with your partner is the most important foundation. Often the what ifs are not talked about because being optimistic about decisions allows us to stay positive and focused on the plan. In some cases, it is hard to even just think about the idea of going separate ways so we avoid having these conversations. Knowing how the business will start and end should be the first conversation to have when planning. Having these conversations throughout the dating and business relationship as it grows should be discussed more than once.
Unfortunately, if the business has to be split it may be difficult to split the business in half. Splitting a business may be difficult to do since there is no such thing as 50/50 because there will be the thought of one contributing more or less than the other. These thoughts are often seen when a relationship has ended badly. (i.e., cheating, abuse, neglect...) In some cases, it even results in court-ordered agreements, restraining orders, and a life of hell. This can be avoided by simply communicating and having a written agreement between the partners as it will help in separating the relationship from the business.
This is possible when the two are both businesses driven and understand the hustle, time, gains, and losses in starting a business. Surely, some individuals can look beyond the relationship and understand that there is business to do and money to get and the relationship is the least of their worries, and becoming successful is their only vision. When this is present, a successful business may be the end result.