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Let your purpose be your purpose

Understanding your purpose is simply understanding the what, why and who you are as a person in this world.

Searching for your purpose can be exhausting and seem as though you are running in circles, making the same mistakes, stopping, starting, giving up and then crashing. You must trust the process in which you have decided to challenge.

"My arms are long enough to pat myself on the back. I am definitely proud of me."- Ife Folami Mensah

We can try some other time

I was expecting to find my purpose in life as I assumed that some of the people around me seem to have it all together, and I was still struggling trying to figure out my life in my late twenties. The worse mistake I made was comparing myself with others to dictate where I should be. Many times, I would start on a good note with business plans, relationships, and career path then end, up with nothing at all. In the middle of the projects I found myself saying, "forget it." Thinking, I could pick up the project after sitting it down after a year, going into relationships expecting for the relationship to be successful because of my looks or the fact that I'm me and it doesn't get any better than me or switching careers because I became bored and wasn't happy doing the job. These behaviors became repetitive and it wore me out.

The purpose is you

Purpose isn't doing missionary work in another country or finding the nearest shelter to feed the homeless. Purpose is finding the reason for your existence as it pertains to you, not what others feel your purpose is and surely not being based on what the next purpose is doing in their lives. This process cannot be done without having the knowledge of yourself and knowing who you are, this means you may have to let go of some things and some people and spend intimate time with yourself. You will find yourself to have a great love for you and the things you desire, a clearer mind without regard of others perspective as it influences our decision making in some cases. Having a strong focus on your purpose will enlighten your reasons and passion of the direction in which you are taking to determine your purpose and reason for existence.

Take 10 steps into your purpose

  1. Believe

  2. Think about who you are and those who your purpose will be beneficial to.

  3. Vision yourself doing the very thing you love, regardless if money is the result or not.

  4. Brainstorm on the ideas that comes to mind and create questions to what, why, how, when and where.

  5. Research the things that you have brainstormed on and seek ways to put your purpose into play, researching could be discussing it with others as well.

  6. Create a plan and not just a mental plan but also write your plan out and post it so that it is visible to you daily.

  7. Meditate/Pray about your plan that you have formulated and trust that the universe has aligned the stars to your purpose and passion.

  8. Practice your purpose by taking baby steps until you are totally comfortable.

  9. Walk into your purpose, fully equipped and without fear or worries and never look back!

  10. Repeat steps 1 and 2 and look how far you've gotten.


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